Story Of Mine

12:53 AM


Dah lama tak menghapdet.....hah
Plan cuti nak membebel dalam ni, tapi memandangkan kuasa ultra kemalasan melanda and ada something yang lagi berfaedah untuk aku buat....maka tak terbebel la dalam ni.

kalau nak kata blog dah berhabuk, bersawang-sawang, klise sangat....jadi malas nak cakap. 

Harini nak cerita semua perkara randomly....
Pertama sekali, maaf ke atas diri sendiri for everything that I ever do in emotionally.
I sit at the back and look forwards on my situation, figure out all the moments.
And then, I realize it, fuhhhh...what I'm doing all this while? till I got into this hard time?
So far far away and kind of hmmm... did I still really mean that I'm right?
Kind of ego actually, talk emotionally like this, talk like that. saying that people not open minded, but I'm the one who are not actually. -_-
I'm sorry to myself and I'm sorry for everyone that I give burden on them.
I also forgive them....walaupun sebelum ni ada segelintir yang menghukum aku dengan sesuatu yang agak menyedihkan. A little bit upset bila kawan sendiri. Tapi aku dah mula ambil ni positively, mungkin sesuatu yang Allah nak aku belajar dari semua tu. Terima kasih pada mereka...still love you muahh..muah...this one isn't fake. I really meant it.
Allah juga maha pengampun lagi maha penyayang...semoga Allah mengampunkan mereka, aku, dan semua.

I don't meant for everything I do.
I'm right in this side but they also right in that side....both have a right thing to admit.
I just felt very unfair.....something that I find is hard for me to get, but they are easily can achieve their goals...fine, I won't to talk about that anymore. 
I just want to find that something in myself and by myself.
Betul la apa yang semua orang cakap, dan sekarang baru aku akui.
"Kita hidup ni, tak boleh terus bergatung pada sesiapa, ada masa dia bangkit, dan ada masa juga dia jatuh, so we drive our own life, carefully"

Jadi, I've to plan....plan....plan...and I need plan....
let me thinking first...

Kemudian, kita cerita tentang aktiviti cuti. Not so many thing that I've done while my sem break a week ago. Assignment pun gerak sikit....yang lain aku spend time untuk enjoy the wifi. haha

Cuma, secara tidak disengajakan, tertulis satu cerpen. Ni sebab kesan bersendirian, otak mula aktif mengeluarkan idea, tapi tak terkeluar pula idea nak menyambung cerpen-cerpen yang lama tak siap. Rasanya tak banyak nak cerita. Kalau ada pun bukan menarik sangat. Ok la, soon for the next2 entry aku akan update pasal info atau buat sikit review kalau rajin.

^_^ penutup kata....assalammualaikum.

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