Randomly thought

|| Assalammualaikum ||

Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday...
Saja nak cakap, to ensure yang aku masih kenal turutan hari walaupun dah lama tak tengok kalendar sejak bercuti.

As we know, feeling depressed isn't good for us....it isn't good for our health.
I'm not going to talk about having depression because I'm trying to avoid it.

I hate to get interrupt with people yang suka bermain dengan kata-kata...don't ever ask about my daily life even you just mean to care.
ody eat?, what I'm doin'....?, what I'm eat?

Strangely enough, I as a human being weird, who're not trying to accept when people care just because they're no reasonable excuse to care. When they are not my parents, not my siblings, not my close girl friends. I've no idea to have a bestfriend among man....just an ordinary friend I don't mind to share about thought, knowledge, and anything beneficial.

You're not standing with my shoe...so, you don't know nothing about how hurt I'd to go through this to read what's in  people's mind and heart.

I donno how to describe it...It's kind of unpredictable feeling. I don't even know it.

Ok, forget it.
Just now, I thought to talk about drama....

"I know, when I loss Alex...it's hurt me, it's so breaking my heart...". Hong Yeo Joo menahan Kei daripada pergi. Kei sedang menelan rasa kecewa yang sangat perit.

"But, if I loss you........". Hong Yeo Joo tunduk dan terdiam seketika.

"..........I would die". Hong Yeo Joo meneruskan kata-katanya dengan air mata.

"Gajima Kei......jebal, gajima...mianhae".

(Just a weird person I found in Kdrama)

How it possible when people have this kind of feeling. What she felt exactly?
Very confusing me till I thought she is crazy...but I give 8 out of 10 for this drama b'cuz she makes a good choice as what I wish her to choose Kei than Alex.

Sketsa di atas adalah iklan yang ditaja khas oleh lamborgini keluaran afrika......

Daripada kajian.....Perbezaan filem melayu Mdrama dengan Kdrama ialah...mostly sekarang Mdrama bila cerita base dia tentang cinta, maka it will be all about love dan tambahan perasa sikit bila ada konflik keluarga, orang kaya...orang miskin...dan kisah kehidupan yang seakan hampir sama. tapi

Bila tengok Kdrama, even base cerita tentang cinta, there is knowledge as the input. Contoh, bila cerita cinta tentang Doktor....setiap episode akan ada kisah and they'll explain every disease had mention in the drama. Other than that, story about law, investigation, foods ingredient, how to be success in business, how to be great students, about bullying and how to rise from the pain of life.....and sooooo on that sometimes can be related with our real life.

BUT.....I'm not saying Kdrama is the best one to watch.....Kdrama also not good and not perfect in certain part. Tapi, persamaan Mdrama dan Kdrama ni ialah para pelakon yang bukan suami isteri saling berpegang tangan. No different....

I'm not major in film to think about other alternative to avoid that scene other than don't do the scene.....
People who are study Diploma, Degree and Master in film....take action if you are Muslim and you love the sanctity of Islam. Just a gentle reminder for us...



"Krak" (geseran antara tendon dan ligamen jari sedang berlaku)
Blogging start back from today.....not so excited.

I can't go to sleep when my mind burdened with question.
I'm just thinking too much, sometimes the topic can change every minutes and seconds.
It will be more critical when I took caffeine before sleep. Felt like you're running so fast with the eyes closed.

As much time I spend time with my mom as much question I need to answer.
She will repeatedly asking about the same question. I'm still 22...but for her, I'm almost 30.
She's worries about everything but I'm stay chill. Actually, I never refused any possibility...if she said tomorrow, it can be tomorrow. Even, masih dalam dilema. To be honest, it is not easy to manage people's heart.
Huh...let me handle this with maturity.
The topic of today is.....a bedtime story. Means it bored till you fall asleep.

So, apa nak buat esok....esok dan esoknya lagi, selain mereput di rumah. Still have one month for holiday.
Rasa nak buat decoration, since cat rumah masih ada baki yang tersisa dan the colour is white....quite owsem to do something with it. Actually, cat rumah kaler putih I've decided and suggest it to my dad...
"how if we use minimalism style"....."macam mana?"

I've no idea to explain with my dad, karang aku tunjuk segala blog...ig..yang minimalist...lagi tak faham. Mostly, minimal design, aku lebih suka black and white as malay called it 'taik cicak' hah, ini 'taik cicak yang owsem'....So, in easy words I told him..."it's a simple style"....to make him strongly agree with me, I'm added, "rumah boleh nampak luas yah...heh3"...."let's we start with white"...kembalikan warna rumah kepada fitrah asalnya. 
Sebelum ni, cat rumah kaler putih, then kotor sebab adik semua kecik-kecik, masih belum dapat bezakan yang mana kertas, yang mana dinding. Dah tu, cat la kaler kuning air + bahagian atas warna ungu muda dan pink at the other side. Rumah pun dah nampak macam kuih lapis. Dan begitulah kisahnya, even tak jadi la minimalism tu sebab otak aku duk bayang set sofa kaler hitam haha...at least, rumah nampak luas.

Punya la panjang nak cerita pasal cat...fuh
About the tomorrow's plan...I can't tell it by now. But I'll do something minimalist.
I've done for this bedtime story...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri....^_^v

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