August story

10:41 AM

Assalammualaikum buat penduduk bumi yang tidak mengenali diri ini.
long time no see, :D

Salam ogos, selamat melangkah ke bulan baru walaupun sudah beberapa hari berlalu dan selamat menyambut bulan kemerdekaan. Usia makin ke hadapan,jadi  minda pun harus ke hadapan.

I think, I want to share something and I’ve to advise myself to not put worriedness on it. So, this entry has no important point to highlight la because it just kind of sharing about me and I’ll use informal words. Next entry I’ll using ‘saya’ again. heh

Firstly, I want to talk about hurting others. I thought, even how hard you try to take care of other’s heart, hanya dengan salah faham, kau akhirnya akan dilihat menyakiti even benda tu just salah faham.

In reality, it was happened to me when I lose my friend. It is one of love story that I want to talk about. In term of friendship. Bagi aku persahabatan tu adalah salah satu cinta dan aku sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat sensitif dengan perkataan kawan. Sometimes, I can cry when people talk about ‘a good friend’ sebab ia akan mengingatkan aku tentang banyak perkara. Percaya atau tidak, anda harus percaya sebab ini adalah kenyataan. Aku cakap ini adalah salah satu kisah cinta aku, bukan bermakna aku ni suka golongan sejenis, nauzubillah. xD

Cerita bermula, when  I meet someone yang sudah banyak merubah hidup aku dan bawa aku ke satu dunia yang aku tak pernah terfikir aku akan ikut dia terus berjuang mempertahankan apa yang perlu kami perjuangkan. And yes, I fall in love to be her friend forever, walaupun kadang aku mengeluh dari segi masa untuk diluangkan, tapi sesibuk manapun aku...I still curi masa untuk diluangkan.
In situation you can imagine, when your friend felt tired and stop by at your room till she was slept on your bed that night....but you just let her sleep until tomorrow while you still feels better to sleep sitting on chair with head on the table outside the room.
Sebab seumpama itu sahaja cinta yang aku mampu berikan buat sahabat2 aku, kalau dari segi kewangan jujur aku tak mampu.

Namun kisah cinta ini tergantung sepi tanpa pengakhirannya. I admit that I avoid her because of her perception on me make me felt that I was failed to be a good friend. Let her keeps living in my doa and I’ll be her secret friend forever, no matter what.

Then, we go to the next love story.

First of all, congrats to all my friends yang sudah mengakhiri zaman bujang mereka. Weeee dan aku just tolong buatkan kad kahwin orang saja la.

So the thing that I want to advise myself is, do not ever gives hope to people, it’s probably hurt them when you can’t fulfill it. GIVING HOPES TO SOMEONE BUT YOU CANNOT FULFILL THE HOPE, IS MUCH MORE HURT THEM THAN YOU SAY NO FROM THE BEGINNING. So, be honest with your heart. For those yang aku ignore and avoid, it doesn't mean to hate you. My heart has the limited zone. If you know, what ikhtilat is, is the point sebenarnya the reason why it’s hard for me to open my heart for those who can’t care this thing. Tapi tak la nak kata mereka tak jaga ikhtilat, ada sebab2 lainnya. Talking about ready or not, I can say that I’m ready but I just being too careful person. Since I’m the master of stalker, I’m not judging people, I just do an analyze before makes any decision and also pray for their goodness.

Letter for myself from my future self...

Sekian sahaja a silly story from me. Sudahi entry ini dengan doa rabithah. (baca sendiri)

Hurting by friends is the real heartbroken for me. Hence, I’ll love them.

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